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15 Features of Our Double Hung Windows

Did you know the founder of Install America, Leon Slocomb, holds 23 patents for the most energy efficient vinyl window on the market? With this level of window expertise, you can bet we have crafted something far beyond your average window. This traditional, popular window style has acquired 15 key features and benefits over the years that make it stand out. Here is what sets our double hung window apart from the rest.

1 – Tilt in Sashes. Both slashes on the window tilt inwards. This feature makes cleaning the double hung windows from the inside of your home much easier.

2 – Opening from bottom and top sashes. The double hung windows open from both the bottom and top sashes allowing ventilation from both ends of the window. Sashes can also easily be removed.

3 – Die Cast Cam Lock and Keeper. The cam action draws sashes closer together for a tighter lock and sleeker look. The lock enhances security and thermal performance.

4 – Warm Edge Technology. A non-conductive heat barrier stops heat transfer and reduces energy cost.

5 – 3/4″ Insulating Glass System. If the warm edge technology was not enough, a 3/4″ glass insulation system incorporated into our double hung widows should provide maximum thermal efficiency to your home.

6 – Soft curved sash design. Allows a home to receive the energy efficient benefits of the vinyl window while maintaining the traditional traditional wood window sash look.

7 – Attractive, Full-Length Integral Lift Rails. Gives a window a stylish look but also makes it easy to operate the dual sashes.

8 – Heavy Walled Construction. Our windows are built to last and provide your home with strength and security.

9 – Weather Stripping. The double hung windows deeply pocketed head increases resistance to air infiltration.

10 – Unique Cove Mold Look. This feature offers homes the benefit of the efficient vinyl window but also gives it the traditional look of a wood window.

11 – Fusion Welded Frame and Sash. Provides a home with superior strength and integrity by creating an impassable barrier to air and water.

12 – Sloped Sill. This positive feature allows for water runoff, even in driving rain.

13 – Constant Force Balance System. Allows for a smooth and maintenance free operation when opening windows.

14 – Earthwise Technology. Earthwise technology incorporated into the windows glass provides protection against the harsh effects of weather.

15 – Interlocking Meeting Rail. This feature has passed the AAMA Forced Entry Resistance Test by providing additional security to homes.